I'm Simon. Web developer & WordPress expert.

I’m web developer and WordPress expert freelance since 2017. I create website from A to Z and i use many languages like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery and PHP.

 I create WordPress websites since 2014.




My services


I can create websites from scratch, i have skills in web design and in front-end languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery. I use also websites builders and many WordPress plugins like Divi, Elementor, Avada, WP Bakery.

web Design

I know how to cut or to compress pictures for having a speed loading of webistes. I can create design elements of a website and i can redesign the graphic of an existing website. Also i can create from scratch a website.

front-end development

I’m a front-end web developer, i integrate designs from PSD to responsive layout or WordPress theme with HTML, CSS and Javascript.


I have skills in SEO (Search engine optimization), and also in SEA (Search engine ads). I use the best strategy and the best plugins to have best ranking in Google.

Website creation from scratch

I can create any website with WordPress and with front-end languages. I can also redesign an existing WordPress website.

With a premium theme

I can customize a WordPress theme to have the best results for your projects. I know all of the most popular themes builders like Divi an Elementor.


I can update your website and host it. Also i can secure the website with a daily save and with the best security plugins.

WordPress expert

I have a lot of skills with WordPress, because it is the best CMS for me and the most popular. I can create a WordPress theme from A to Z.

My projects

Web development

Surfing club

WordPress theme creation from scratch, with design, HTML/CSS, animate with Javascript (Jquery and AOS), back-end with ACF and WordPress with PHP variables.

Web development

WordPress Theme

The goal was to create an universal WordPress theme where you can customise it in the admin, with simple and efficient design . I used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery, AOS, PHP, WordPress and ACF.

About me

Hello, i’m Simon and I create websites since 2017.

I can create responsives websites with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery, AOS. I can also use WordPress with ACF or Divi. For the back-end, I use only WordPress and PHP. I have also good skills in SEO/ SEA and in webmarketing. For online store I use Woocommerce.

  • Front-end
  • WordPress
  • SEO / SEA

My skills

  • I speak french and english.
  • 3 years of online sales
  • 8 years of web development
  • I start developement in 2003
  • I know Linux
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP, WordPress, SEO & SEA.


  • Bachelor in web development
  • History of art at the university
  • High School Graduation in electronics

« I recomand Simon for the creation of your website, he have created my website and my logo, incredibly profesional and reactive ! »

J. Preiss

Let’s Work Together

I’m ready to work with you. Contact me with the form.

WordPress website designer